The Ways of the Ant

The Ways of the Ant

Seven Lessons We Can Learn from The Ant Proverbs 6:6 “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways and be wise.” The scriptures tell us to “go to the ant, you sluggard.” (OUCH! That’s harsh. But does loafer, shirker or good-for-nothing sound any better?...
When Health and Life Collide

When Health and Life Collide

When Health and Life Collide Have you yet been dealt a handful of health issues to contend with? It’s one thing to be a caregiver for others and help meet their needs, but it is quite a different feeling to need help yourself. My experience these past months has been...
FIFTY WAYS TO KEEP YOUR LOVER #’s16–20 Choose Your Battles and Fight Fair


What are you thankful for? Here we are in the middle of January and I’ve yet to even start my new routine or work toward goals for 2020. How about you? Are you still recovering from Christmas and the whirlwind of 2019? I have been pondering 2019 and considering what I...

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