Can You Prove GOD Exists?

Can You Prove GOD Exists?

Recently, a friend told me about a discussion she had with a young man who didn’t believe in God. She said, “I don’t know what to say to him. He doesn’t believe the Bible, so showing him scripture means nothing to him. If he doesn’t...


Church service was inspiring— thought-provoking. The message was a little different than the usual Easter themed sermon. It was more, “What is my witness? What is my story? If someone asked me what gives me hope; why do I trust and believe in God; why am I not like...


The night was clear but cold. I pulled my shawl closer to ward off the chill. The heater would soon warm the house, but the cold scene in front of me continued to draw me in. I stood alone in front of the Nativity spread out on the buffet this year. In the past we put...

My Out-of-Body Experience with The Divine

Have you ever had an out of body experience? Spooky if you’re not with the Holy Father. But was my experience really out-of-body? What do you think? The air became charged with a strange power. I remember when as a teenager I prayed with my mom beside her bed on our...

Do You Have Beautiful Feet?

Baby feet. Baby Feet Tiny footprints. Soft, tender skin. Kissable. Adorable as they kick and work the legs they are connected to. We see them wobble when they stand to gain their balance. Feet grow, walk, run, and jump. They kick a ball or jump a rope, dance, swim,...

The Ways of the Ant

Seven Lessons We Can Learn from The Ant Proverbs 6:6 “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways and be wise.” The scriptures tell us to “go to the ant, you sluggard.” (OUCH! That’s harsh. But does loafer, shirker or good-for-nothing sound any better?...

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