How Do I Stop Crying So Much?

Shelia Shook Questions and AnswersCategory: QuestionsHow Do I Stop Crying So Much?
T Koger asked 6 years ago

Shelia, I really enjoy your blogs. I can see how much you really care.  I lost my Grandma last November. She was much more than just a Grandma, she was a friend. I felt like I could tell her anything and I felt like she truly understood and appreciated me. We had a special bond. I don’t cry everyday, but there are moments where I just cry uncontrollably. I’ve even cried on my boss at work, and that’s embarrassing. Do you have any suggestions on how I can stop crying so much?

1 Answers
Shelia Shook Staff answered 6 years ago

Talitha, first of all, I am sad for you at the passing of your Grandma. You must be lost without her. Thank you for sharing your feelings with me. Though I know there aren’t words to comfort you, I hope you know in my heart I am sitting alongside you, holding your hand. Cry all you want. Cry until your eyes are swollen and your mouth is red. Cry until no more tears will come. God hears your cries and He can be with you where I am not. Then, rest. Allow sleep to bring you physical rest. Each time you cry you will feel the pain less and less. We don’t really ever get over the sorrow, but we learn, through time, to cope with it as we process the loss. Tears are a natural way to process our grief. They are a healthy response. It is good that you are crying now. Though your heartache is intense at the loss of your Grandma, you will better cope as time goes on. But don’t dwell on the loss for long. Find ways to return your life to as normal a place as possible. Take your tears to the Lord. He can bring healing to your heart. Also talk to family or close friends. But after a while, if you don’t feel a lessening of the pain, you may need to seek professional counseling to help you process your grief.
There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Everyone grieves differently. Sorrow is a process we all go through anytime we have a loss or disappointment. Our response typically depends on the intensity of the loss. And that is individual. For some, grief sits latent. They don’t cry, and don’t really process the loss thoroughly at the time it occurs. Later, something small triggers the pain from the previous, greater loss. They don’t understand why they breakdown at the sight of a school bus passing by, but that school bus triggers a memory. And at last the original grief begins to process.

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