Comments on: IT’S A HOLIDAY–TAKE IT Blog Wed, 07 Sep 2022 16:19:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shelia Shook Wed, 07 Sep 2022 16:06:37 +0000 In reply to Teresa A Moyer.

Teresa, Thanks for your comment. I love to hear from readers. I am glad you could relate to the story of Egyptian Slaves.
I too, have worn the hat of manager on call day and night 365. It is stressful even if you don’t’ get a call. Add that to times when you have to work in place of those who call in sick and you still must keep up with expected reports and management work. Whew! However, working alongside other staff always helped me appreciate the work they do, and reminded me of when I worked directly with patients. It kept my skills sharpened and is also an opportunity to gain staff’s respect.
I tried to remind myself this was the life I had chosen and knowing that helped.
Congratulations on your retirement. Hope you get to enjoy it and don’t forget to rest.

By: Teresa A Moyer Mon, 05 Sep 2022 22:48:34 +0000 I used to be able to relate with the story of the table of nurses. Once as a DSP (caregiver) in a group home when we were told that despite the extra care needs of client health no new staff would be added. Then when I became manager of the same home and we found ourselves with zero sub staff to call in when someone called out sick. No new sub staff as my home was hardest to hire for as it was as it was medical with a g-tube client and Alzheimer’s clients who tried to wander away daily. Being told no meant one thing. If a staff called in I as manager covered the shift. and still do my own job. There was a time I was on duty for 24 hrs straight and that still did not change things. I was also on call 24/7/365. God stepped in and through various circumstances in 2 years time I retired early due to medical health issues of my own. I agree with the statement of feeling like the Hebrew slaves.
